Bloomberg Trading Facility Europe

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Bloomberg Trading Facility B.V. is a limited liability company incorporated in the Netherlands under number 71621679, e-mail address, whose registered office is at Gebouw Byzantium, Stadhouderskade 14G, 1054 ES Amsterdam, authorised and regulated by the Autoriteit Financiële Markten and the Dutch Central Bank. Bloomberg Trading Facility B.V. is registered on the Autoriteit Financiële Markten Register, available here: Please note that some products and services of Bloomberg Trading Facility B.V. may not be available in all jurisdictions or to everyone.

Transparency Data made available on this page are subject to the Terms of Use linked below (the "ToS"), and to the market data policy available at (the "Policy"). In the event of a conflict between the ToS and the Policy, the Policy shall control. Further, if any provision of the ToS or the Policy shall be held inconsistent with the obligations applicable in accordance with EU Regulation 600/2014, such provision shall not apply but the remainder of the ToS and the Policy shall not be affected and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. The invalid provision shall be reformed only to the minimum extent necessary to correct any invalidity.